Recently diagnosed?

We want to support both you and

your child every step of the way!

What is ASD?

According to the DSM-5, for a child to be diagnosed with Autism, they must present with persistent deficits in:

1) Social-emotional reciprocity

2) Nonverbal communicative behaviours

3) Developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships

Additionally, they must present with at least 2 of the following:

1) Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements

2) Inflexible adherence to routines

3) Restricted interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus

4) Hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input

What is ABA?

ABA stands for applied behaviour analysis. ABA therapy is applying the scientific principles of reinforcement and punishment to increase behaviours you want to see more of (ex. communication) and decrease maladaptive ones (ex. challenging behaviour).

The goal of ABA is to develop a rapport with your child to create a trusting environment in which they can learn and grow. Once this is established, the therapist will progressively fade in goals so your child is learning new skills, all while having tons of fun!

Who conducts ABA?

Your therapy team will consist of a Registered Behaviour Analyst (R.B.A. ONT.) and your Supervised Instructor Therapist(s).

Your R.B.A (ONT.) will first meet with you to discuss your family’s goals for your child. Then they will conduct an assessment and write a treatment plan with strategies for your child to meet those goals. Once you’ve consented to the plan, they will pass it to the Supervised Instructor Therapist who is responsible for the day-to-day therapy.

Your R.B.A (ONT.) will supervise roughly 10% of the ABA sessions to ensure there is ongoing progress and adjustments are made when needed, such as when your child masters goals or new strategies must be tried.


How much ABA each week is appropriate for my child?

Every child is unique and has different strengths and needs! Also every family’s goals are different for their child!

One of our R.B.A. (ONT.) will conduct an assessment and provide a recommendation on hours of service based on the assessment results and how much intensity is needed to meet your desired outcome.

What is the difference between ABA and IBI?

ABA stands for applied behaviour analysis. IBI stands for intensive behavioural intervention.

ABA is the umbrella term which encompasses all applications of the science.

IBI is a branch of ABA which refers to the child receiving 20-40 hours of 1:1 ABA therapy per week. IBI is evidenced to have the best outcomes for autistic children due to the ample practice with goals and the teaching styles implemented which differ greatly from the teaching styles used in the school setting.

What type of children would benefit from ABA therapy?

At The Hullabaloo, we primarily service children with autism spectrum disorder, however, ABA is evidenced to be effective for kids with Down syndrome, ADHD, Fragile X, Global Developmental delay & more!

What is a BCBA?

BCBA stands for Board Certified Behaviour Analyst. This is a title for individuals who have completed a masters degree related to behaviour analysis, accumulated 2,000 supervised practice hours and wrote the BCBA exam.

BCBAs are also required to complete continuing education credits to ensure they are keeping up to date with new research and they are practicing the most relevant techniques.

How do I know my child is progressing?

Data is collected daily by our therapists to ensure your child is working towards reaching their goals. Additionally, your R.B.A. (ONT.) will observe your child’s ABA therapy sessions at least 10% of of the time and make revisions to the treatment plan as necessary.

Parents are encouraged to ask questions or observe sessions in order to understand how their child’s ABA team is tackling their goals.

What types of behaviours does ABA treat?

ABA has thousands of studies published in research journals on a number of different behaviours. ABA works to increase communication skills, support children with toilet training, improve social skills, cognition, activities of daily living and fine motor skills to name a few. ABA also works to decrease inappropriate behaviours such as those which could hurt the child or those around them.

Why is ABA therapy so expensive?

We totally empathize with you, ABA therapy is expensive!

There is a lot going on behind the scenes in order to conduct a productive therapy session:

  • Progress update meetings between the R.B.A. (ONT.) and Supervised Instructor Therapist

  • Ongoing training of your dedicated therapist both inside and outside of session times

  • Time for your therapist to create program materials

  • Cost of materials such as toys and games

We try our best to work within a family's budget. Check out Autism Ontario for info on how to register your child for OAP funding:

Get started with The Hullabaloo today!